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Misericordias Domini

Misericordias Domini


"Misericordias Domini" is the perfect combination of the old and the new. The ancient text is set to chant-like melodies while still including modern chordal structures and textures throughout.


Voicing: SSAATB, a cappella

Duration: 4:00

  • Recordings

    For a recording/score video of this piece, click here.

    Additional Performances:

    Grace Lutheran Church, Hockessin, DE

  • Text

    Traditional Latin Text

    Misericordias Domini

    In aeternum cantabo:

    In generationem et generationem

    Anuntiabo veritatem tuam in ore meo.

    Misericordia aedificabitur In coelis:

    Praeparabitur veritas tua in eis.



    The mercies of the Lord
    I shall praise for ever and ever;
    To generation and generation
    My mouth shall proclaim your truth.
    For you have said: Mercy shall be built up

    Forever in the heavens:
    Your truth shall be prepared in them.

  • Reviews

    To submit a review of this piece, please contact me.

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